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More Copywriting Statistics and Their Important Takeaways

Copywriting can extend beyond fundamental web content and touch other media forms. For all the high-level discussions about what makes content effective—audience selection, voice, readability, and so on—it is ultimately still raw data that drives our decision-making. Various web dashboards and SEO tools boil everything down to a set of numbers that indicate what works and what doesn't. That doesn't mean the creativity behind your content doesn't matter. What it does mean, though, is that you can't afford to ignore the numbers. 

Many copywriting statistics have valuable insights to offer if you stop to consider them. Making allowance for these understandings helps you write more compelling content to reach users and search engines. 

So what do you need to know? See what these numbers have to tell you. 

Choose Your Headlines With Extra Care 

Your headline matters. The data backs it up, as your personal experience probably does. How likely are you to click on an article where you can't tell if you'll learn something useful? The words you choose and the message you convey in your headlines are vital for grabbing user attention. 

An article with “how to” in the title pulls 1.5 times more organic traffic than articles without that phrase. Headlines that include the word "guide" achieve up to three times more traffic. Length matters, too. A headline with seven or fewer words generates a third more organic traffic than a 14-word headline. Don't just dash off a headline and call it a day—choose your words carefully. 

Copywriting Statistics Say Breaking Up Your Content Has Benefits 

Some blogs work out acceptably if you dump all the content under the H1—but that's the exception, not the rule. According to a study by SEMrush, 39% of all articles without H2 headings underperform compared to those with. Dividing your content into digestible, skimmable chunks improves readability and keeps distracted readers engaged for longer. 

There are other ways to make your content more readable. An article that uses a bulleted list format at least once every 500 words can perform better than an article that doesn't use lists at all—up to 68% better. Lists aren't appropriate for every article, but they're a potent tool. 

Should You Be a Podcaster, Too? 

Copywriting can extend beyond fundamental web content and touch other media forms. For example, we know that video is a prevalent format today, but what about podcasts? With tens of millions of episodes from millions more individual podcasts, the "talk show" format has become a powerful tool for marketers when the model fits your industry. 

You can also find an eager audience when you have interesting content to offer in an audio format. Nearly two-thirds of Americans over 12 have listened to a podcast before—and 45% of bloggers who start podcasting say they get more traffic. 

Make Your Content Easier to Read on Mobile 

Did you know that 93% of people report abandoning a website visit when the page did not display correctly on their mobile phones? You must take care when writing and posting content to consider where people will see it. Think about your social media content, for example— most social media audiences primarily access their platforms via their phones. Users also open more than 43% of all emails from their phones, so remember KISS - "keep it simple, stupid." The correct content format and display make a difference. 

Shaping Stronger Content Through Important Insights 

The digital landscape never stops shifting. Finding your way and carving out a space for yourself online is not always easy. However, you can chart a course through the unknown by looking into what recent copywriting statistics can tell you. Data shines a light on content writing and SEO aspects that aren't obvious and intuitive. Take the time to step back, analyze the facts, and figure out answering the most critical question: how do I make my marketing succeed online?